
A Wedding Ring
A wedding Ring

“I Do!”

A phrase mostly used.

A phrase, bond-toxicated beings use when they stand before the white collared black vestment exchanging what they call vows.

Most of them smile, some of them get overwhelmed with giggles and many of them wet their eyes with what would be called tears of joy.

Then years into time one begins to wonder and ask whether these people really DID.

Was this not what took Isabella my college pal?

All to remove her ‘s’, replace her ‘i’ and then be called a ’Misses’ Somebody’s mistress (Mrs.)

I do have my reservations in this thing called marriage, I am still busy chasing my dreams.

I stood as her bride's maiden that particular day and I could remember I warned her about this so-called union.

Let’s all watch this drama.

Meanwhile, I am Sarah.

Dr Sarah Williams, Bera’s kid sis

